Saturday 6 August 2022

Why Kidney Stone happen & what is Renal Failure?

 Kidney Stone

When urine becomes concentrated, crystals of many salts eg calcium oxalate, calcium and ammonium phosphate, uric acid etc. are formed in it. Such large crystals cannot pass in urine and form hard deposits called Kidney Stone.

kidney stones

Most stones start in kidney. Some may travel to ureter or urinary bladder.


               The major causes of kidney stones are age, diet (containing more green vegetables, salts, vitamins C,D), recurring urinary tract infection , less intake of water, and alcohol consumption.


                      The symptoms of kidney stones include severe pain in kidney or in lower abdomen, vomiting, frequent urination and foul-smelling urine with blood and pus. 

About 90% of all kidney stones can pass through the urinary system by drinking plenty of water. In surgical treatment, the affected area is open and stones are removed.


                       Lithotripsy is another method of removal of kidney stones. In this methods, non electrical shock waves from outside are bombarded  on the stone in the urinary system. Waves hit the dense stones and break them. Stones become sand-like and are passed through urine.

Kidney(Renal) Failure

Kidney failure means a complete or partial failure of kidneys to function.

Renal Failure

               Diabetes mellitus and hypertension are the leading causes of kidney failure. In certain cases, sudden interruption in the blood supply to kidney and drug overdoses may also result in kidney failure.


                       The symptoms of kidney failure is the high level of urea and other wastes in blood, which can result in vomiting, nausea, weight loss, frequent urination and blood in urine. Excess fluids in body may also cause swelling in legs, feet face and shortness of breath.


                       The kidney failure is treated with dialysis and kidney transplant.

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