Sunday 7 August 2022

Who is the largest part of brain & write its part?


Forebrain is the largest parts of brain. It is most highly developed in humans.



There three parts of forebrain.

  • Thalamus
  • Hypothalamus
  • Cerebrum

                    Lies just below the cerebrum. It serves as a relay center between various parts of brain and spinal cord. It also receives and modifies sensory impulses (except nose) before they travel to cerebrum. Thalamus is also involved in pain perception and consciousness (sleep and awakening).


                                Lies  above midbrain and just below thalamus. In humans, it is roughly the size of  an almond. One of the most important functions of hypothalamus is to link nervous system and endocrine system. It control the secretions of pituitary gland. It also controls feelings such as rage, pain, pleasure and sorrow.


                      It is the largest parts of forebrain. It controls skeletal muscles, thinking, intelligence and emotions. It is divided into two cerebral hemisphere.

Cerebral hemisphere:

                                          The anterior parts of cerebral hemisphere are called Olfactory bulbs which receive impulses from olfactory nerves and create the sensation of smell. 

Upper layer: 

                        The upper layer of cerebral hemispheres i.e. cerebral cortex consists of grey matter. The grey matter of nervous system consists of cell bodies and non myelinated axons.

Lower layer:

                          This layer consists of white matter. The white matter of nervous system consists of myelinated axons.

Cerebral cortex has large surface area and is folded in order to fit in skull. It is divided into four lobes.

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