Deformities Of Skeleton
Human skeleton supports an upright body. Sometimes our skeleton system becomes weak and results in deformations. The causes of the deformations are available e.g.
Genetics Causes
Cleft Plate, a condition in which palatine processes of maxilla and palatine fail to fuse. The persistent opening between the oral and nasal cavity interferes with sucking. It can lead to inhalation of food into the lungs causing aspiration pneumonia.
Microcephaly, the small sized skull is caused by some genetic defect.
Arthritis covers over 100 different types of inflammatory of degenerative diseases that damage the joints .
Osteoarthritis, is the most common chronic arthritis, which is a degenerative joint disease also caused by genetic defect.
Hormonal Causes
Osteoporosis is a group of diseases in which bone resorption out paces bone deposit. In this case bone mass is reduced and chemical composition of the matrix remains normal. Osteoporosis mostly occurs in aged women, which is related to decreased estrogen level. Other factors which may contribute include, insufficient exercise, diet poor in calcium and protein, smoking. etc.
Estrogen replacement therapy offers the best protection against osteoporotic bone fractures.
Nutritional Causes
Osteomalcia (soft bone) includes a number of disorders in which the bones receive inadequate minerals. In this disease, calcium salts are not deposited and hence bones soften and weaken. Weight bearing bones of legs and pelvis bend and deform. The main symptom is the pain when height is put on affected bones.
Rickets is another disease in children with bowed legs and deformed pelvis. It is caused by deficiency of calcium in diet or vitamin 'D' deficiency. It is treated by vitamin 'D' fortified milk and exposing skin to sunlight to cure disorder.