Saturday 30 July 2022

Why left lung is small and right lung is large ? Explain.


All the alveoli on one side constitute a lung. There is a pair of lungs in the thoracic cavity. The chest wall is made up of 12 pairs of ribs and the rib muscles called intercoastal muscles.


                        A thick muscular structure, is called diaphragm, is present below the lungs.

Left & Right lungs

The left lung is slightly smaller and has two lobes  and right lung is bigger and has three lobes. They are spongy and elastic organs. The lungs also have blood vessels that are the branches of the pulmonary arteries and veins. Each lung is enclosed by two membranes called outer pleural membrane and inner pleural membrane. 

The membranes enclose a fluid which provides lubrication for the free expanding and contracting of lungs.


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  Genetic engineering , also known as genetic modification or genetic manipulation, is a set of techniques that involve the direct manipulat...