Saturday, 30 July 2022

Why left lung is small and right lung is large ? Explain.


All the alveoli on one side constitute a lung. There is a pair of lungs in the thoracic cavity. The chest wall is made up of 12 pairs of ribs and the rib muscles called intercoastal muscles.


                        A thick muscular structure, is called diaphragm, is present below the lungs.

Left & Right lungs

The left lung is slightly smaller and has two lobes  and right lung is bigger and has three lobes. They are spongy and elastic organs. The lungs also have blood vessels that are the branches of the pulmonary arteries and veins. Each lung is enclosed by two membranes called outer pleural membrane and inner pleural membrane. 

The membranes enclose a fluid which provides lubrication for the free expanding and contracting of lungs.

What is air passageway?

 Air Passageway

The air passageway consists of the parts through which the outside air comes in the lungs and after the exchange of gases it goes out. This passage of air  consists of the following parts.

The nose encloses the Nasal Cavity.


                 It opens  to the outside through the openings called the Nostrils.

Division of Nasal Cavity:

                                                  The nasal cavity is divided into two portions by a wall. Each portion is lined by fine hairs and mucous which filter the dust particles from the air. The mucous also moistens and warm the incoming air and keeps its temperature nearly equal to that of the body.

Internal Nostrils: 

                                   The nasal cavity opens into the pharynx by means of two small openings called internal nostrils.  


                  Pharynx is the muscular passage and is common to both food and air. It extends to the opening of oesophagus and the larynx. The air goes from the pharynx into the larynx.


               It is a narrow opening at the floor of pharynx which leads into larynx.


                The larynx is a box, made of cartilage. It is present between pharynx and trachea. It is also called Voice Box. 

Vocal cords: 

                        Two pairs of fibrous brands called vocal cords are stretched across the larynx. The vocal cords vibrate when the air passes through them. This vibration produces sounds. 

Wind pipe:

                     Larynx continues to the trachea, which is also called the wind pipe. It is about 12cm long tube which lies in the front of the oesophagus. There are C-shaped cartilagenous rings in the wall of Trachea. The cartilages keeps the trachea from collapsing even when there is no air in it.

                       On entering the chest cavity , the trachea divides into smaller tubes called Bronchi (singular bronchus).
                         The bronchi continue dividing in the lungs until they make several fine tubes called Bronchioles.
Alveolar ducts: 
                                                            The bronchioles end as fine tubules called alveolar ducts.
             Each alveolar duct opens into a cluster of pouches called Alveoli.

Friday, 22 July 2022

Explain the biology relationship with other sciences?

 Biology Relationships To Other Sciences

There are different relationships to other sciences. Some of the relationship we discuss below.


                      It deals with the principle of physics, which are applicable to biology phenomena.


                  There is a similarity between the working principles of lever in physics and limbs of animals in biology.


                            It deals with the study of chemistry of different compounds and processes occurring in living organisms.


                   The study of basic metabolism of photosynthesis and respiration involves the knowledge of chemistry.


                    It deals with the study of biological process using mathematical techniques and tools.


                   To analyze the data gathered after experiment work, biologist have apply the rules of mathematics.


                              It deals with study of organisms from the economical point of view.


                   The cost value and profit value of the yield of wheat can be calculated through  and benefits or losses can be determined.

Thursday, 21 July 2022

How many divisions of biology and Explain its few branches?

 Divisions of biology

There are three divisions of  biology in which we can study.


                   The division of biology is zoology. In this division we study animals.


  •  Lions
  • Dogs
  • Cats Etc


                     The division of biology is botany. In this division we study plants.


  • Flowers
  • Trees Etc


                             The division of biology is microbiology. In this division we study microorganisms.


  • Bacteria
  • Fungi Etc

 Branches of biology

There are different branches of biology.


                              Biotechnology deals with the practical application of living organisms to make substance for the welfare of mankind.


  • Brewing
  • Baking bread Etc


                   The study of genes and roles in inheritance is called genetics. Inheritance means the transmission of characters from one genertion to the other.

Cell Biology:

                         The branch which deals with the study of cell division. The study of the structures and functions of cells and cell organelles is called cell division.

                           It is the study of immune system of animals, which defends the body against invading microbes.

                             The branch whish deals with the study of social behavior of the animals that make societies. 

                                       The internal structure of the body is called  anatomy.
  •   Brain
  • Muscles
  • Heart Etc

What is Genetic Engineering? Explain.

  Genetic engineering , also known as genetic modification or genetic manipulation, is a set of techniques that involve the direct manipulat...